Business Case Support
Considering investing in a personal safety or lone working solution? Here are the most important business case considerations.
When you’re presenting a business case for investment in a lone worker or personal safety solution, you must clearly explain the safety, financial, legal, operational, reputational, and wellbeing benefits to the key stakeholders in your organisation.
To give you a helping hand, we’ve outlined some of the most important business case considerations, providing you with the arsenal you need to get the necessary investment.
Just scroll down and submit your details to download he comprehensive, 16-page business case document.
This document will cover:
The legal and financial implications of not protecting your workers from harm

Aside from the catastrophic and obvious human cost of tragedy, there are various financial and legal implications should one of your employees be seriously injured or killed at work. Our business case for lone working or personal safety devices explores these implications in more detail and looks at how to avoid expensive legal repercussions.
As well as this we explore how investing in a solution can help you prevent brand damage and even reduce staff attrition and annual sick days.
How investing in a lone working solution can save and make you money

Our business case considers the ways investing in a lone worker solution can actually save and make you money. Including attracting and retaining the best staff, reducing your insurance premiums, helping you win more business and maximising your operational benefits.
How to pick the right lone worker solution?

Finally, this document will help you choose the right lone worker solution. It explores important questions such as, is your solution future-proof? Do you require a dedicated device or an application-based solution? And how can you maximise your return on investment?
Please enter your details below to access this business case support document for investment in a lone working or personal safety system.
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